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Integrated Water Services

Aquatech offers water technology as a service by integrating technology, expertise, and financing to consistently deliver reliable performance at a predictable cost. 

Water resource management has a substantial impact on your plant’s productivity, profitability and sustainability. At Aquatech, we understand the challenges of comprehensive water management, and have developed effective solutions to assist in your efforts to tackle such challenges. Our Water Technology-as-a-Service approach enables greater focus on your water treatment systems.

Outsourced Solutions

Aquatech provides a comprehensive Water Technology-as-a-Service solution that relieves you of treatment system management, allowing you to focus on core operations, while our proactive approach reduces costs, mitigates risks, and enhances plant reliability, all contributing to sustainable success.

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Mobile Water Solutions

Aquatech's mobile water solutions offer a flexible and cost-effective answer to ever-changing industrial water treatment requirements, ensuring dependable performance for demand fluctuations, planned maintenance, emergencies, and increasing regulations.

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Aftermarket Services

Aquatech's aftermarket services team helps prolong equipment lifespan, maintain peak performance, and minimize operational disruptions, ensuring efficient and sustainable water and wastewater treatment asset management.

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Digital Solutions

At Aquatech, our cutting-edge digital solutions revolutionize the way we approach the monitoring, optimization, & conservation of water resources. By harnessing the power of data-driven insights, real-time monitoring,  & intelligent optimization, these solutions address critical challenges.

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The Latest News

01 / 03
4 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Industrial Water Operations

4 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Industrial Water Operations

Outsourcing water treatment services can address the challenges of efficient industrial water management, reduce costs, mitigate risks, achieve sustainability targets, and enhance reliability by leveraging external expertise and technologies, providing a flexible solution for industrial end users.

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Raising the Appeal of Water Circularity: Key Considerations to Drive Sustainable Operations

Raising the Appeal of Water Circularity: Key Considerations to Drive Sustainable Operations

This whitepaper looks at water circulatory as a key practice for industrial water users to ensure business continuity and minimize environmental impact.

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Moving Towards Water-Positive: Holistic Water Stewardship Strategies for Industry

Moving Towards Water-Positive: Holistic Water Stewardship Strategies for Industry

This whitepaper advocates for holistic water stewardship strategies among industrial users to safeguard shared water resources and mitigate business risks.

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Our Work

01 / 03
Energy Facility Transforms Challenging Wastewater into a Sustainable Resource with Mobile Water Recovery System

Energy Facility Transforms Challenging Wastewater into a Sustainable Resource with Mobile Water Recovery System

Colorado, United States

Explore how a power plant effectively converted millions of gallons of problematic evaporation pond water into a valuable resource using Aquatech's innovative mobile pretreatment system, MoSuite™.

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Auto Manufacturer Proactively Controls Biological Fouling in Wastewater RO Using BioFilmPro™

Auto Manufacturer Proactively Controls Biological Fouling in Wastewater RO Using BioFilmPro™

This case study discusses how an auto ancillary company tackled problems caused by microbial growth on its RO membranes by implementing our BioFilmPro™ technology.

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International Chemical Manufacturer Reduces Carbon Footprint & Saves $4 Million in Discharge Costs Annually

International Chemical Manufacturer Reduces Carbon Footprint & Saves $4 Million in Discharge Costs Annually

United States

This case study details how an international chemical manufacturer leverages Aquatech's MoVap™ mobile evaporation technology to reduce discharge costs and carbon footprint while maintaining business continuity and compliance.

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